Sandra Shefelbine, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Space and Special Initiatives (COE)
Lab/Research Center Affiliation: Multiscale Mechanics and Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology
Description of Subject Interest and Expertise: I am interested in mechanics of bones and cartilage (biomechanics) and how bones and cartilage respond to mechanical loads (mechanobiology). The skeletal system has the ability to adapt to mechanical loads, becoming stronger with more load and weaker when load is reduced. The Shefelbine Lab explores this mechano-sensitivity across length scales (whole bone, tissue, cell, molecule). We use computer models, animal experiments, and human observations to understand the mechanics of the skeletal system.
Description of Current Project/Scholarly Endeavor:
- Effect of vaping on bone mechanics (in mice)
- Joint loads of the knee during gait retraining
- Axolotl limb regeneration image analysis
- Machine learning to segment cells in 3D
Profile of Student Researcher: Comfortable with programming (Matlab), curious, interested in looking at the skeletal system from an engineering prospective, responsible, adaptive.