The Legacy Program encompasses the requirements for all students who joined the Honors Program prior to the Fall 2023 semester. For students who joined in Fall 2023 or later, learn more about our Reimagined Program
Honors Distinction
Throughout their time in the program, students are required to fulfill a set of Honors requirements. Successful completion of these requirements will allow them to graduate with Honors Distinction,
Honors Distinction Requirements
To graduate with Honors Distinction, students are expected to:
- Earn a final cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
- Complete a set number of Honors requirements (see below for more details)
- Complete the Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar requirement – Fulfilled by taking an Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (HONR 3310), Honors Dialogue of Civilization (HONR 3309), or Honors First Year Inquiry (HONR 1310).
How many Honors requirements do I need to complete?
The number of requirements students need to complete varies according to when they joined the Honors Program.
- Admitted in Fall of First Year: 6 requirements
- Admitted in Spring of First Year: 5 requirements
- Admitted in Second Year: 4 requirements
*Note that all students must complete the Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar requirement by taking an Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (HONR 3310), Honors Dialogue of Civilization (HONR 3309), or Honors First Year Inquiry (HONR 1310) as one of their requirements.
Prior to graduation, students will receive a letter indicating their Honors Distinction eligibility status.
How can I satisfy my Honors requirements?
There are many ways students can fulfill their Honors requirements. Please consult with your Honors advisor if you need support creating a plan to meet your requirements.
- Academic Courses
- Honors Discovery (*required for all First-Year, First-Semester admits into the Honors Program)
- Honors First-Year Inquiry Series (HONR 1310)
- Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (HONR 3310)
- Honors Departmental Course Section
- Inside the Honors Studio Series
- University-Sponsored Global Experience (*up to 2 Global Experiences may count towards the set number of Honors requirements)
- Dialogue of Civilization (DOC)
- *Students who participate in an Honors DOC will receive two (2) Honors courses towards their requirements, including their Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (HONR 3309).
- Honors at Monash
- Traditional Semester Abroad
- Dialogue of Civilization (DOC)
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors
- Honors Directed Study
- Honors Interdisciplinary Thesis
- Honors Self-Directed Global Experience
- PEAK Award – Base Camp & above (Fall 2022 and after)
- HERA Award
- Honors Propel Grant
- Independent Faculty Mentored Research (*eligibility determined by review of research experience form, research conducted while on co-op is not eligible)
- Community Engagement/Service
- NU Official Alternative Spring Break (ASB) (*reflection required to receive credit, Spring Break options only)
- Service-Learning Courses (*previously enrolled SL attribute courses can retroactively count as of Fall 2024)
Honors Program GPA Requirement
Members of the Honors Program are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 during their undergraduate term. If a student’s grades drop beneath this threshold, they are placed on Honors Probation and will be at risk of being removed from the Honors Program. If you are experiencing academic issues or difficulties, we encourage you to contact your Academic and Honors Advisors for assistance.