Make an impact.
Making an impact on local, national, and global communities is a key outcome of the Honors Program. Students can get started making an impact through the following opportunities.
Alternative Spring Break (ASB)
Run by the Northeastern University Alternative Breaks Program, Alternative Spring Breaks (ASB) is an immersive service and learning experience in which students volunteer with community organizations during Spring Break. These organizations address critical social issues, such as affordable housing, environmental conservation, food security, and public health. Though not an Honors-specific program, we encourage Honors students to get involved with making an impact during their Spring Break.
Community Engaged Teaching and Research
The Community Engaged Teaching and Research (CETR) team at Northeastern facilitates 1) service-learning (S-L) courses and 2) engaged research that involves collaboration between faculty, community partners, and students. Students can get involved by becoming a service-learning student leader, conducting community-engaged research, and more.
Northeastern Alliance of Civically Engaged Students (NU|ACES)
The Northeastern Alliance of Civically Engaged Students (NU|ACES) is an opportunity to engage meaningfully in the Boston community through service and action.