James Monaghan, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology (COS)
Lab/Research Center Affiliation: Monaghan Laboratory
Description of Subject Interest and Expertise: We study the regenerative properties of the axolotl salamander. Axolotls regenerate a diverse array of structures, such as limbs, spinal cords, and even lungs after sustaining injury. Despite the vast potential of these animals, our understanding of these regenerative processes is limited. We approach this question using the latest techniques available in biological inquiry including transcriptomics, state-of-the-art bioimaging, transgenics, and in vivo testing of gene function.
Description of Current Project/Scholarly Endeavor: We have several projects ongoing including the study of limb regeneration, retina regeneration, lung regeneration, and spinal cord regeneration. Our group is highly collaborative including post-docs, graduate students, and 6 undergraduate researchers at any given time. Students will be paired with a senior researcher to work on one project that would last eat least a semester but could last years. A primary goal of our research program is progress the project to an eventual presentation at a conference or publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Profile of Student Researcher: Students that are curious about solving the longstanding question why some animals have superior regenerative abilities should apply. Some computational skills are desirable, but not required. Due to the multidisciplinary approach required for our research, we are open to student researchers interested in general biology, neuroscience, bioengineering, or computer science.
Email: j.monaghan@northeastern.edu